Educator rates start at $7.50 per hour per child.
Fully qualified teachers who hold a degree or diploma starting rate is $8.50 per hour per child
Educators will advise families of their rate when they meet
Fees are charged for a child’s booked hours plus any additional time they attend care.
If your child is absent for any of their booked hours each week, full fees will be paid.
If your child is absent with two weeks advance notice, a retainer fee of $5.00 per booked hour will be charged. Without 2 weeks’ notice, full fees will apply.
Statutory holidays will be paid for in full if the child is normally booked on that day.
No fees will be paid if the Educator is unavailable to provide care.
We are approved by MSD as a licensed provider, so depending on your whānau income you may be eligible for a Childcare Subsidy
Children 3-5 years old may qualify for a subsidy of childcare expenses, covering up to 6 hours per day and a maximum of 20 hours per week.
Unique to Building Blocks & may provide up to $50 per week towards your childcare costs.
Tangata ako ana I te kāenga, Te tūranga ki te marae, tau ana
A person nurtured in the community contributes strongly to society
We are happy to keep you in mind when we have spaces become available and contact you to see if you are still looking but we don’t run a formal waitlist. Educators are limited to 4 children and holding a space for extended periods is difficult for most.
Yes, in fact we would encourage a few visits to help your little one settle in to their new environment.
Yes, we hold music and playgroup at our building and nature exploration out in the community. Our coordinators attend these and they are free to our educators and families.
All of Building Block’s educators are level 4 ECE qualified or higher, or in training currently. They all have a current first aid certificate
Yes, definitely. They are also safety checked. This means that references have been sought, their home checked for safety, and they have been assessed for their suitability as an educator following the ministry of education’s guidelines.
4 children under 5/6 years of age at any one time. Of those 4 only 2 can be under 2 years of age
You pay your educator directly via an automatic payment for your child’s booked hours. You will be advised of the payment amount after subsidies have been taken into account.
Yes, we are approved to offer a Winz subsidy to offset your childcare costs. Please ask your educator or our office staff for an application. You may also qualify for our Whānau Support Subsidy which is unique to Building Blocks & may provide up to $50 per week to offset your childcare costs.
Educator rates start at $7.50 per hour per child.